Sunday, September 30, 2007

Response to You Bought it. Who Controls it?

This article brings many true points to the front face of the technological era. In the past recent years there have always been issues it with the copying of cd, dvd, textbook, etc. Because they are all copyrighted. Of course this is very much needed in the USA to pervent plagarism, but other than that there should be no other problems. As long as some one does not try to pass around your information, research, movies or music as if they created it there should be no problems. Cd and DVD are being coppied all over the world as we speak, whats the problem with making more if you paid for it legally?

Friday, September 28, 2007

ATF Agent

Being a ATF agent has just been brought to my attention. With a major in chemistry this could be a good career choice. ATF Agents usually deal with the selling of alcohol, tobacco and firearms in the USA. They also work very close with the DEA's and FBI's agency. ATF agents also assess all evidence at the close of an investigation and organize specific case reports that assist the U.S. attorney in preparing for trial. I also have a minor in criminal justice so this career can also help me expand my knowledge in other field that I may later choose to attend, but there is one down fall. Being a ATP agent includes working to find terrorist, would that be a risk factor of this career?

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Intelligent Internet

The increasing development of technology has broken many barries before and continues to do so. There are "smart computers" in the making to become basically a programmed computerized human mind, with its own thoughts. This can frighten many people who are afraid of new technology and other that just don't enjoy depending on it. There has to be some medium between the two. There are even devices that can be operated by the mind without any physical action.

Structure and Evolution of Blogsopace

With the creation of blogs there have been many new doors opening. The blogs allow people all over the world to see into a someones personal side. It is easy to read and understand what some are thinkin just by reading there blogs. Most blogs are common interest stories that people want to share their opinion on or just taking about life and what they consider to be important to them. By reading these blog communities are formed through people with common interest.

Making Yourself Understood

Whenever you do something the last question that you should ask yourself is; Can someone else understand this? By doing this it allows the readers and or trainee of the purpose of what they are doing. Grammar, puncuation, and comprehensiveness should always been shown when writing. It helps the reader understand better and allow them to get all the information you are informing them about. With the less excessive word usage of getting to the point of writing its easy to be understood.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Forensic Chemist

The art of science has always sparked an interested me so when I decided to go to Buffalo State I choose to have a major in Forensic Chemistry. Some research on this topic that can be found at ( This website was create to be such like a encyclopedia. While reading there are descriptions of just about every job dealing with forensic science. The article entitled forensic chemistry explain the aspects of a forensic chemistry career. There are many different specific that can come from having working in this field such as a fingerprinting and ballistics chemist, fire and explosives chemist, and many careers in law enforcement. I would like to either work as and FBI chemist or ATF agent for starters and work my way up the career ladder.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Question 2.11

The use of reverse telephone directories have been published but
only on the internet. If there was to be one printed it would somewhat
conflict with the privacy of citizens. That the information is even
available on the internet in my opinion is a issue of privacy being
violated. On the other hand it is very helpful, I have used it a couple
times and it was very useful when you can remember a phone number and
not a name. If the printed forms of this reverse directory was to be
collaborated to be used on the internet with the regular yellow pages
this would basically be another thing that would be obsolete after the
invention of computers.

Question 1.12

Two jobs that that would be impossible without the invention of
computer are, all internet provides, and type of website designer.
without the use of computers all the jobs in these industries would be
obsolete. The invention of computers have made these industries and
the people that would in them millionaires. Two jobs that have been
eliminate by the invention of computers are many factory jobs such as
component soldered, and some jobs that run on car assembly lines.
Although the invention of computer have caused some jobs and careers
to destroyed it has created many more that benefit the world and
have lead to many more jobs that are based around this creation.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Article 2. Who do we Protect and How?

With the invention of new and more advanced technologies on computers there have been many broken walls on the issue of security. The internet took the world by storm after it was invented and now it is used in just about if not every field of study. With this happening there will always be somebody trying to cheat the system and get around security restrictions set forth by the government. Security setting are needed to run society when people think they are above the law that’s where the problem starts.

Article 1. Five Things We Need to Know About Technological Change

While reading this article the sense of true information crosses my mind. One of the five things that stood out was "The consequences of technological change are always vast, often unpredictable and largely irreversible." This seem to be the most truthful out of the five. When new inventions are created the older or past more seems to go obsolete within a couple months. There are always going to be bigger and better things in life and the ones who adapt to the newer things faster will always be the ones that succeed in the future.

"It adds up" Response

The article "It adds up" (#4) by Jennifer Loviglio caught my attention. Throughout the article it keeps emphasizing on the fact that new technology is getting expensive and required. Now in day this still stands true. The technology that many children have now it all was not available for children 30 years ago, and with change in technology the requirements change along with it. For example, Loviglio mentions the fact that her son has to have a graphic calculator for high school, and when she was in high school calculators of any kind where not even needed or a requirement. Still today, a laptop or even at worst a desktop computer is required by just about all students above the 7th grade. With the change in time the change in technological requirements will always increase.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

This is Hello

I'm saying hello from my class.