Thursday, November 1, 2007

Chapter 7: Computer Crimes

With the creation of the Internet many positive things came... e-mail, blogging, online shopping, video conversations and many more things. This also opened the door for criminals as well. Since the creation and the overwhelming Internet use the growth of computer online crimes has increased. Being in discussion about Internet banking and shopping there is a HUGE number of identity theft cases that have came about. This later opened the door to hacking. This is basically can allow very intelligent people to in some cases to pretend to be a investment bankers, credit card company or other organizations that some consider to be a convenience to access their checking accounts and with draw payments. While this was occurring the government realized that this was and still is a huge business for criminals, their main focus it to find a way to catch and stop this from happening. Do you think that the convenience that the Internet brings is worth the headache of worrying if your identity may be stolen?

1 comment:

Katie Soares said...

I think there is fear in everything we do. Should we stop driving places because we could be robbed or get into a car accident. Everything we do has risks and consequences. It's a shame but that's the way the world is.